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Biography & Research Interests

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I am currently working as an Assistant Professor at the Amity University Rajasthan. Apart from my own research interests in water resources, biogeochemistry in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, and climate sciences, I am serving on several institutional committees and teaching Ph.D. level courses. In addition, establishing new collaborations and networking to work with like-minded colleagues to accomplish new projects/research in Earth, Atmospheric, and Hydrological Sciences.


Previously, I have worked as a Project Scientist at the CSIR-National Geophysical Research Institute (NGRI) at Hyderabad, India. With my expertise are at the cross-roads of the hydrology and biogeochemistry, I examined the pre- and post-monsoon changes in DOM and heavy metals in urban lakes, especially impacted by anthropogenic inputs. 


Broadly, my research interests focuses on the biogeochemistry of freshwaters at multiple spatial and temporal scales, particularly in the light of effects of land use and climate on water quality, and managing and restoring freshwater ecosystems for sustainable development. I am also interested in applying modern data analysis tools and techniques in deciphering meaningful solutions from big data in Earth Sciences.


Remote Sensing and Geospatial techniques are few other disciplines where I'm inclined with my research interests.


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